
Hi, I'm Dr Kevin Olding

I created Mathsaurus to help students aged 9-18 supercharge their skills in Maths!

I studied maths at Oxford University and learnt to teach at some of the UK's most prestigious private schools. I then studied for my second and third Masters degrees (in Applied Statistics and Statistical Applied Maths) and then completed a PhD in maths.

I'm also an experienced and highly sought after private tutor with a popular maths YouTube channel with over 30,000 subscribers. I've created these Mathsaurus courses so you can learn to do maths like the very best on a fraction of the budget - in fact a lot of the courses are totally free!

I've really enjoyed making these courses and teaching the live lessons. There are already lots of courses here and there are many more in production so I really hope I'll see you inside!


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A lot of the content here is free and the best way to see it all is to create a free account. This gives you instant access to all of the free courses with absolutely no payment details needed unless you choose to upgrade, so just click below to get started now!

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