Group Zoom Lessons: Ages 11-13

Junior Challenge and Enrichment

Improve your problem solving skills, get better at challenge and Olympiad style maths, and enjoy learning with expert tutors and other enthusiastic students.

Lessons running all year round

These classes run throughout the year and cover problems that will stretch students beyond the maths they learn at school and prepare them for challenge and Olympiad maths.

These classes are offered as individual lessons so you can sign up for whichever classes are convenient.

Some classes will focus on a particular type of problem, and others will contain mixed problems. Students will gain the most by attending regularly but can join at any time of year regardless of which classes they have attended.

Teacher - Dr Kevin Olding

Kevin Olding is the creator of Mathsaurus. He has a First Class MMATH Mathematics degree from Magdalen College, Oxford and a PhD from the University of Bath, as well as an MSc in Applied Statistics from Birkbeck, University of London (Distinction and prize for best overall performance), an MRes in Statistical Applied Mathematics from the University of Bath, and a degree in Law.

Before creating Mathsaurus, Kevin taught maths in London at Westminster School and Dulwich College and also at Birkbeck College (University of London).

Choose from three types of class

Students aged 13 and under are welcome to attend any combination of these classes.

These classes all take place on Zoom. Linke will be e-mailed to you on booking and again the day before each class.


Although less challenging than the 'advanced' classes, all of the classes here are targeted at strong students who want to push themselves beyond what they learn in school.

Aimed at roughly the level needed to achieve a Silver/Gold in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge.


Aimed at students with some experience of challenge style maths, the 'advanced classes will focus mostly on problems of a standard that could appear in questions 15-25 of the Junior Maths Challenge or similar competitions around the world.

Aimed at the level needed to achieve Gold in the Junior Maths Challenge and to qualify for the Junoir Kangaroo and Olympiad or to do well in the Kangaroo.


These classes cover some of the hardest problems available for students in this age group.

Problems will include those at the standard of the hardest JMC and Kangaroo problems as well as the short and long answer Olympiad questions.

Timetable and Booking

You can book the individual classes below, or for the best value sign up for a 5 or 10 lesson package.

After purchasing the package you can choose which lessons to sign up to. You don't need to sign up for all lessons immediately, but lessons be taken within 6 months of purchase.

Buy 5 Passes - £179 Buy 10 Passes - £350
